Friday, November 24, 2006
Year 3. Questions to Otranto, Karlino and Mill Hill.

Students of Year 3 want to know some information about your schools. This is the first year they are in the Comenius Project; they are 8 years old. This year in art we are studying a Spanish painter. His name is Salvador Dalí. These are the questions they want to ask you:
1. What time dou you have breakfast?
2. What time do you have lunch?
3. What time do you have dinner?
4. What time do you finish your classes?
5. When are your school holidays?
6. Is there a dining room in your school?
7. How many students are there in your school?
8. What's the weather like in Karlino?
9. In Maths we learn the multiplication; how do you learn to multiply? We do 11 x 2 = 22
10. At Christmas time we do a show. All the students are going to be characters of comics: prince and princess, three little pigs...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
El nostre llibre de l'A-Z dels drets de la infància.

Hola, avui a classe d’anglès hem vist un llibre que ens van regalar els alumnes de 6è H de l’escola de Mill Hill (Londres): “Our A-Z book of Children’s Rights”. Hi ha frases i dibuixos dels drets dels infants.
Ahir, dia 20 de novembre va ser el dia internacional dels drets dels infants.
Tenim dret a l’educació, dret a assistència sanitària, dret a jugar tots junts, dret a tenir una família, dret a tenir casa…
Ho hem escrit na Coraima i n'Elisabet de 5è.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Notícies des de Karlino

Na Sabina, sa mestra d'anglès, ens diu que a l'escola de primària durant el primer trimestre tenen el costum de celebrar una "festa acadèmica" per donar la benvinguda als nous alumnes de primer. Més o manco és tracta d'una diada on els alumnes més grans donen la benvinguda als fillets més joves i els reben com a futurs estudiants reals, compromesos amb la seva tasca d'estudiant. Per les fotos que ens van enviar fa dos anys, en aquesta diada hi solen assitir el batle del poble, el capellà... Aquest és el correu que vam rebre.
"In Poland the weather was very nice in October. Of course it was not so warm as in Menorca, but it was sunny. It was, because yesterday evening it started to snow. Not very much but this morning the ground was white and the temperature now is about 3 C. There was a storm on the Baltic Sea and we had very strong winds but today it is calm and sunny. It looks a little bit funny because grass is green and there are green leaves on trees and they are covered by snow. Yesterday we celebrated All Saints' Day and we didn't go to school. We don't have special meals for that day. Most people go to church and to the cemetery and pray for their dead relatives. Tomorrow our first classes will promise to be good students of our school - it is a very important day for them, they become "real" students."
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Tots Sants

A classe d'anglès vam escriure la recepta dels bunyols (dolç típic de Tots Sants). Nosaltres, gràcies a les cuineres (n'Ángeles, na Rosario i na Mariannita) del club de jubilats de Ferreries hem pogut conèixer com es fan els bunyols.
Durant el primer any del projecte (2004/05) vam treballar les festes i tradicions. Vam enviar als països socis la recepta dels bunyols escrita en anglès i enguany l'hem recordada de nou.
500g potatoes
300g sugar
1Kg flour
8 eggs
150g butter, fat
40g yeast
Olive oil
1. Peel and chop the potatoes. Place them in boiling water.
2. Mash the potatoes. Put the mash in a bowl.
3. Add the sugar. Stir together.
4. Pour some warm water into a glass. Add the yeast and stir.
5. Put the yeast and the water into the bowl.
6. Add 8 eggs into the bowl and mix together.
7. Add the butter. Add the flour.
8. Knead the mixture. Leave the dough for 1hour.
9. After l hour take chunks of the dough and mould into rings.
10. Fry the dough rings (bunyols) in olive oil.
11. After cooked you can eat the “bunyols”with sugar, honey, jam…