Saturday, December 09, 2006
History of Minorca (2)

In the year 900 after Christ, Arabs came to Minorca. At the end of the 7th century Arabs started coming to Minorca but they didn’t settle in the island. They started to be governors... In 1.058 there were Mozarabic (half Muslims - half Christian) in Minorca. In 1.203 the Almohades came to the island and there weren’t any Christians.
The island was split in 4 parts when the Arabs were here: Hasmaljuda, Bini-Saida, Bini-Fabini and Alscaions; the biggest defending place was Santa Àgueda Castle.
In June 17th, 1.231, King James I and the Arabs signed an agreement of collaboration. James had to respect Arabs and their government. The Arabs had to give him some cows, sheep, cereal, butter and boats.
King Alfons III went to Majorca to conquer Minorca in December 1.286. King Alfons III arrived to Minorca in January 17th, 1.287. Arabs went to hide to Santa Àgueda Castle and finally they decided to give him the island.
From that day in Minorca there is a new culture and language (Catalan). Nowadays we celebrate the Day of Minorca every 17th January.
This is a little bit of Minorca.
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Enhorabona per donar a coneixer la historia de Menorca als estudiants d'altres llocs.
Recordau que la historia la feim cada dia!
Recordau que la historia la feim cada dia!
També vull donar l'enhorabona a als alumnes que amb la seva feina donen a conèixer moltes coses de Menorca.
A veure si algú s'anima i xerra un poc dels menjars que més feim a Menorca.
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També vull donar l'enhorabona a als alumnes que amb la seva feina donen a conèixer moltes coses de Menorca.
A veure si algú s'anima i xerra un poc dels menjars que més feim a Menorca.
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