Saturday, December 09, 2006
History of Minorca (1)

Hello friends,
We’re the girls and boys from the class of the 4th grade from Ferreries (C. P. Castell de Sta. Àgueda) and we would like to explain some Minorcan history.
Minorca has a big history, 8.000 years before Christ people started coming to Minorca. These people lived in caves and huts made of stones and pieces of wood. In 1.400 before Christ people built new towns.
In the year 123 before Christ, Romans conquered the Balearic Islands. The Minorcan people were very good at “throwing stones” to defend themselves from the enemies. When the Roman people came to Minorca they saw Minorcan throwing rocks and then they joined them in their army.
In the towns there were “talaiots” which are towers made of rocks (people went up and checked if anybody was coming). In those days there were 3 towns in Minorca: Mago (Maó), Iamo (Ciutadella) and Sanicera (Sanitja).In the fourth century after Christ many people in Minorca were Christian. The first Christians could be sellers, slaves or soldiers from the Romans. They built the first churches in Minorca.
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Encara me'n record de quan vaig contruir es meu propi talaiot, que per suposat ara ja ni existeix.
Ai quins temps aquells!
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